Gold Moon, Sharp Arrow (2012)
A Film by Malic Amalya & Max Garnet
16mm with optical sound
10.5 minutes
Against a backdrop of electrocution, dominance, and scientific precision, wasps nest in an abandoned refrigerator, eyelashes flutter, and curtains blow in open windows. Adapting Stanley Milgram's 1963 experiment on obedience to authority, Gold Moon, Sharp Arrow explores how queer communities reenact, resist, and respond to assimilation, coercion, and trauma.
“Stanley Milgram”………………………………….….Katie Powers
“Teachers”……………………………………….…………Rosco Kickingstone
Syniva Whitney
Nein Frankenstein
Mel Bueno
“Learner”…………………………………………………...Max Garnet
Performers……………………………..…………………Calvin Burnap
Danni Does Dallas
Dusty Jones
Lily Maureen
Rachel Zingoni
Sasha Porter
Sweller Weller
William Adams
Written by…………………………………………..………Max Garnet & Malic Amalya
Produced by………………………………………..……Annie Terrell
Director / Cinematographer / Editor……...Malic Amalya
Production Designer / Makeup Artist…….Max Garnet
Line Producer / 1st AC / Gaffer………………..Basil Shadid
Original Music & Sound Design………….….Madsen Minax
Sound Recorder…………………………………….…Chris Pugh
Master Fabricator………………………………….….Nein Frankenstein
Craft Services……………………………………….….Hazel Pine & Sully McGinnis
Production Assistants…………………………..…Daljeet Bajwa
Ellz Dobrick
Fletcher DragonSass
France Trende
Johnny Bird
Joshua Guerci
Lily Maureen
Spencer Bowman
Sweller Weller
Xander Lenc
Zach McNulty
Special Thanks to: Ezra Goetzen, DJ Status Apparatus, DJ Manhandler, Hilt TrollSplinter, Wyatt Riot, Ellie, Hexe, Lars, Brod, Phoenix Blickle, George Terrell, Ennyl Monsoon, Aidan Starr, Roxie Shadowboxer,. Katherine Faydash, Chris Rogers, Ethan Alexander, Hilary Viens, Elizabeth Miller, Mariam & Elijah, Sarah Rogers, Christian Palmer, Brandon Schaeffer, Miranda York, Peter Miller, LICK!, The Northwest Film Forum, & The Broken Hearts Club